Save money

by pp abva consultores


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Save money is an app that can help you to control your income, savings, expenses and debts. Get graphical reports, access to calculators and a financial report that can give you through a traffic light your financial situation, proposing alternatives to improve your savings.Income: Add your information sorting by date, you can update values with menu “Reports and movements”.
Expenses: add your information sorting by date, you can update values with menu “Reports and movements”.
Graphics: Select a period and you will see a graph with all movements of the period. You can analize trends and variations of every period.
Reports and Movements: Select a period and you will see the total of your income and expenses detail. You can update or delete each and every movement you want.
Debts: You can add, update or remove debts that are acquiring in order to control payments; and it will show it how long time you'll pay off completely.
Savings: You can add, update or remove all savings you make.
Calculator: it will help you to perform those operations necessaries and indispensables.
Financial Analysis: is a thermometer that tells you how your situation is going, giving a detailed analysis and recommendations of every movement you have added.